Under the patronage of Her Excellency Sheikha Lubna bint Khalid Al Qasimi, Minister of State for Tolerance of the UAE and President of Zayed University.
Guests of Honor
Keynote Speakers
Themes and Priorities
Analyzing the past and present trends, the objective is to look at future scenarios for quinoa.
The sub-themes are:
- Dynamic aspects of biodiversity management of quinoa, including the genetic diversity of quinoa and the status of its utilization
- Adaptability of quinoa to adverse climatic and soil conditions
Originally grown in the Andes region, quinoa has traveled far beyond and is now grown in many countries around the world. However, cultivation is still on a limited scale and at the subsistence level, and widespread adoption/scaling up requires appropriate/enabling technologies.
The sub-themes are:
- Best agricultural practices for quinoa production with special reference to marginal areas
- Sustainable seed production systems suited to different agro-climatic conditions
- Pests and diseases in the newly introduced environments and their control
- Pre- and post-harvest techniques for seed quality management
Over the years, a significant increase in demand for quinoa on the international market has led to an increase in quinoa production and agribusiness development opportunities for the producers. However, more people and entrepreneurs can benefit from the growing global demand for quinoa. Therefore, it is necessary to define steps for systematic integration of value chains that benefit both producers and consumers. Special emphasis should be placed on strengthening seed processing, packaging techniques, as well as marketing.
The sub-themes are:
- Value chain development
- Linking farmers, quinoa growers and grower associations to markets
- Technologically innovative/alternative uses of quinoa
Rich in essential protein with balanced amino acid content and gluten free, quinoa is an alternative for populations who rarely get or do not get animal protein and those with special dietary needs. It also has a high percentage of total dietary fiber (TDF), which makes it an ideal food for helping to eliminate toxins and waste products that can damage the body.
The sub-themes are:
- Nutritional quality of quinoa seeds under marginal growing conditions
- Nutrient-rich food products from quinoa
- Role of quinoa in human nutrition and health
Lack of knowledge and capacity hinders widespread adoption among farmers and agribusinesses. It is important to establish a system for knowledge and technology transfer to potential quinoa growers. Policies are also needed to motivate farmers to grow quinoa. A stakeholder-driven approach is needed to answer the knowledge gaps. It is necessary to engage key players in crop production, value-chain technology development, and policy-making.
The sub-themes are:
- Developing expertise and capacity of local partners across the entire value chain in order to promote quinoa production in marginal environment
- Enabling policies and legal frameworks to support quinoa production, marketing and agro-industry in newly introduced countries
The conference will help to identify knowledge and action gaps, share lessons on viable instruments, institutions, policies, and approaches through a strong communication effort, networks, and contribute to consensus on priorities for appropriate investment and action by different stakeholders. The conference will produce a number of outputs, including research papers and policy briefs.
The sub-theme is:
- Future strategies and actions to boost quinoa production in marginal environments
Structure of the Conference
The conference program will start with a plenary session on an emerging research topic, followed by technical sessions. Each technical session will include at least one keynote address from renowned experts in the respective field.
A field trip will be organized on the last day of the conference to showcase current research on quinoa at ICBA.