Under the patronage of Her Excellency Sheikha Lubna bint Khalid Al Qasimi, Minister of State for Tolerance of the UAE and President of Zayed University.

Associate Professor, Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
Dr. Sven-Erik Jacobsen is leading the research group on Tropical Crops, covering subjects as stress physiology and agrobiodiversity, in developing countries. Dr. Jacobsen and his team manage various projects, related to minor, under-utilized crops, focusing on food security under stressed, water-scarce conditions, affected by climate change. The team has just attained a new EU project with Dr. Jacobsen as coordinator with 19 partners under Horizon2020 entitled “Development of high quality food protein through sustainable production and processing” (PROTEIN2FOOD), 2015-2019. Dr. Jacobsen is also coordinator of “An integrated strategy for the conservation and use of underutilized Latin American agrobiodiversity” (LATINCROP), 2013-2017, aiming at using the Andean agrobiodiversity for increased consumption and market. In addition, he is involved in projects in developing countries of South America (DANIDA) on Andean crops of increased potential, East Africa (Da n Church Aid) for introducing new, high quality and drought-tolerant crops, and Denmark (Ministry of Food and Agriculture) testing new gluten- free crops.