Under the patronage of Her Excellency Sheikha Lubna bint Khalid Al Qasimi, Minister of State for Tolerance of the UAE and President of Zayed University.

CIRAD Regional Director and INRA & IAVFF representative for the Mediterranean, the Middle East and the Balkans regions, CIRAD, France.
An agronomy graduate from France, Dr. Didier is an active researcher in agroecology at CIRAD. After his M.Sc. in Agronomy with a specialization in ecology in 1992, he received a Ph.D. in Rural Geography from Toulouse University in 1998. He works on natural resources management in biodiversity conservation and valorization research. After different work experiences as a project coordinator for the European Union in Mali and Burkina Faso, and the World Bank Group in Madagascar, Dr. Didier joined CIRAD in 2001 as Principal Scientist in the Department of Territories, Environment, and Peoples, where he is part of the GREEN Research Unit, a French acronym for Renewable Resources Management and Environment. He has been invited to FAO to serve as visiting expert and quinoa international focal point for giving technical assistance to new quinoa experimenters. He is the CIRAD Regional Director for the Mediterranean, the Middle East and the Balkans regions.